Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Allah supported Islam with Hamzah and his conversion. He was strong in defending the Prophet of ...

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & Martyr of Martyrs (Part 1)

There were people among the non-believers who yearned to declare their belief in Muhammad, but ...

palm trees-yathrib

First Muslim Community in Madinah & the Groundwork for Hijrah

Twelve people from Yathrib pledging allegiance to the Prophet that they would worship only the ...

`Ammar Ibn Yasir - sunrise

`Ammar Ibn Yasir: A Man of Paradise (Part 1)

`Ammar was enduring the dreadful anguish of the body because his spirit was lofty, but now when ...

Muhammad: The First Years of His Message

Let us now approach the first years of his message. Those were years one rarely finds an equal ...

Prophet’s Physical Features

Prophet’s Physical Features: As If You Were Seeing Him

One feels amazed by the degree of detailing in the description of the Prophet’s physical featur ...

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Among the seventy-man delegation of the Ansar who took the oath of allegiance to the Prophet in ...

between a new hijri year and a leaving one

Between a New Hijri Year and a Leaving One

Allah’s Mercy encompasses all things. Whoever repents after doing wrong, Allah will accept his ...


Muhammad: The Exemplar of Coexistence and Moderation

Forgiveness, moderation, justice, and mercy are the basics of Islamic ethics which were reflec ...

dessert nature

Muhammad’s Relationship with Nature: Faith throughout the Mission

How did the Prophet’s life in the desert fashioned him and his outlook on creation and the Crea ...

Prophet Muhammad morals

Prophet Muhammad: A Morality Message for All Time

Equality of opportunity, mercy, justice, human rights, peaceful coexistence and respect for nat ...


Prophet Muhammad: A Message of Love & Tolerance

Because he realized the nature of the human self; its needs, defects and desires, and because h ...

nature gentleness

Prophet Muhammad: A Gentle Father and a Merciful Human

What type of father was the Prophet? How did he treated his daughters? How were women treated a ...

Muhammad to His Companions: The Light They Followed

What was Prophet Muhammad to his Companions? What did make them believe in him, cherish him, sa ...

Ibn `Umar tenderness

`Abdullah ibn `Umar: A Great Man with a Tender Heart (Part 2)

Generosity, asceticism and piety all worked together in complete harmony to shape the most magn ...

Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas: The Lion's Claws!

Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas: The Lion’s Claws!

Possessing two weapons, his lance and his prayer. Whenever Sa`d pierced an enemy with his lance ...

Moral Conduct

Muhammad: An All-time Example of Moral Conduct

Fourteen hundred years ago Muhammad came and brought peace and tolerance and justice, not only ...

`Ammar ibn Yasir A Man of Paradise

`Ammar Ibn Yasir: A Man of Paradise (Part 2)

What do you know about the man whose body bore the scars of the horrible torture and, at the sa ...


The Prophet with Non-Muslims: Real Life Lessons

The Prophet was a living model of equity toward those who did not share his faith, establishing ...

The mountain of Thawr

Emigration to Madinah: Lessons for New Muslims

What do you know about the Prophet’s Hijrah? What lessons does it offer on the life of a Muslim ...