Ghusl (the Complete Ablution): Its Rulings from Qur’an and Sunnah

Ghusl (the Complete Ablution): Its Rulings from Qur’an and Sunnah

Ghusl means to wash the entire body with water. What are the rulings of ghusl from Qur’an and S ...

Step by Step Guide to Prayer

Step by Step Guide to Prayer

Prayer is one of the main and most important pillar in Islam. It is a connection between a pers ...

The Adhan: Its Virtues and History

The Adhan: Its Virtues and History

The adhan, although it has very few words, covers all essentials of the faith. How is that? Wha ...

How to Make Wudu’?

How to Make Wudu’?

We, as Muslims, have to purify ourselves before offering prayer. In this video, Sheikh Mohammad ...

When Did the Adhan Become the Call to Prayer?

When Did the Adhan Become the Call to Prayer?

When the Muslim community migrated to Madinah, they faced all sorts of new questions – like whe ...

`Eid Al-Fitr: Etiquettes and Prayer

`Eid Al-Fitr: Etiquettes and Prayer

What are the Sunnahs of `Eid? What are the etiquettes of `Eid? How to perform `Eid Prayer? ...

The Story of Changing the Qiblah

The Story of Changing the Qiblah

An important event which took place some 16 or 17 months after the Prophet (peace be upon him) ...

Muslims Prayer Reduces Back Pain, Eliminates Stress: Study Finds

Muslims Prayer Reduces Back Pain, Eliminates Stress: Study Finds

Five times a day, roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, bow, kneel, and place their foreheads ...

Prayer: Sayings and Acts of the Prophet

Prayer: Sayings and Acts of the Prophet

What does the Prophet’s Sunnah say and indicate about prayer, its importance, rules and reward? ...

What Do You Know about the Adhan?

What Do You Know about the Adhan?

So, what do you know about the sound heard five times a day around the world; how was it introd ...

Night Prayer Negligence and Its 13 Losses

Night Prayer Negligence and Its 13 Losses

What are the merits attributed to those who regularly and properly perform the Night Prayer? An ...

Humility in Prayer

Humility in Prayer

How to bring together your body, mind, heart and soul in prayer is not easy but not difficult a ...

Taraweeh Prayer Live from Makkah

Taraweeh Prayer Live from Makkah

Here you can hear the beautiful recitation of the Qur’an, live from Makkah each day, in the ble ...

Changing the Qiblah

Changing the Qiblah

Changing the Qiblah was intended as the abolition of the sanctity of space whatever it may be a ...

Friday Prayer: Its Rules & Manner

Friday Prayer: Its Rules & Manner

What is the Friday Prayer so special? Why is it obligatory, and upon whom? How important is for ...

Step by Step Guide to Prayer

Step by Step Guide to Prayer

What is the importance of prayer in Islam? How could one perform ablution (wudu’)? How to perfo ...

Merits of Prostration in Prayer

Merits of Prostration in Prayer

"Whenever a Muslim performs a prostration for God's sake, God raises him one degree and absolve ...

The Call to Prayer: Meaning, Message and Alert

The Call to Prayer: Meaning, Message and Alert

Five times a day from hundreds of thousands of mosques and places of worship throughout the wor ...

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawih prayer. Wh ...

Funeral Prayer in Islam (Salat Al-Janazah)

Funeral Prayer in Islam (Salat Al-Janazah)

What do you know about the Funeral prayer? What is the reward of performing funeral prayer? How ...