I Want to Be Muslim, But…

I Want to Be Muslim, But…

When one is a convert it is undoubtedly frightening and overwhelming. Being a Muslim is no way ...

American New Muslims and the Challenges of Conversion

American New Muslims and the Challenges of Conversion

Choosing Islam as your way of life is no way easy or effortless. It is a journey of challenges ...

How It Feels to Be Connected to God

How It Feels to Be Connected to God

How do you define your relationship with God? Have you tried turning it off and on again? ...

Don’t Let Her Leave Islam!

Don’t Let Her Leave Islam!

Here's my new Muslim sister! You don't know she's found the solace of her heart, do you? Don’t ...

Former Anti-Islam Advocate, Arnoud van Doorn, in Hajj

Former Anti-Islam Advocate, Arnoud van Doorn, in Hajj

A new Muslim now, the once strident Islamophobe, who produced an offensive film about Islam and ...

Malcolm X’s Letter from Makkah

Malcolm X’s Letter from Makkah

Read what Malcolm X had to say after he performed Hajj in Makkah and how hajj changed his way o ...

My Lifetime Journey

My Lifetime Journey

Can you imagine being in the company of God, feeling His touch on your heart and soul? Can you ...

Experience Lessons from Converting to Islam

Experience Lessons from Converting to Islam

What did happen when you declared your conversion to Islam? What have you been through? Was it ...

My Way to Islam

My Way to Islam

Who is your God? How did you find Him? What are His words? Who is His final Messenger, from his ...

With Every Shahadah a New Life Is Born

With Every Shahadah a New Life Is Born

How long ago did you convert to Islam? Do you remember the moment you took your Shahadah? What ...