Fast of Ramadan: A Way of Life

Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam. But why do we fast during Ramadan? in this video a numb ...

Zakah in Islam: Concepts and Rules

Why are we obliged to pay Zakah? What is the purpose of paying it? One of the five pillars of I ...

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Muhammad: The Seal of Prophets

With an everlasting miracle, the Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad was sent to the whole humanity and fo ...

Murder: A Major Sin in Islam

Murder is indeed a heinous crime that is naturally rejected by all humans. Almighty Allah threa ...


Zakah: On What & How Much?

It is common knowledge that zakah is a pillar of Islam. But, what are the things that we are re ...

Mohammed: Was he a Messenger from God

Muhammad: The Mercy for All Mankind

Prophet Muhammad was sent a mercy for all mankind. He called people to the worship of the One a ...