
Ramadan Daily: Social Media

What things are you concerned with in Ramadan? Where do you put your efforts? And why; what do ...

How can we build and strengthen our relationship with the Qur’an during Ramadan?

Ramadan Daily: Get Closer to the Qur’an

How can we build and strengthen our relationship with the Qur’an during Ramadan? How can we get ...

Ramadan Daily Backbiting

Ramadan Daily: Backbiting

What is backbiting in Islam? How much are you aware of such an evil deed, and its consequences? ...


Ramadan Daily: Patience

Patience is a virtue of the Muslim, and Ramadan is the very time to test one’s patience, endura ...

Ramadan and Breaking the Two Desires

Ramadan and Breaking the Two Desires

How does fasting address our human nature and desires? How does Ramadan train us? How does Rama ...

Ramadan’s Chronicles.. Day 7

Ramadan Daily: Arrogance

Why are you talking about arrogance in Ramadan? What does Ramadan have to do with arrogance?And ...

Ramadan Daily-Gaining Knowledge

Ramadan Daily: Gaining Knowledge

Over the month of fasting we will discuss valuable issues and practices related to Ramadan, and ...

knock earnestly on the doors of God’s mercy, get closer and closer to Him.

Ramadan Daily: Extra Good Deeds

As it's time to knock earnestly on the doors of God’s mercy, get closer and closer to Him. How ...

Why are we fasting?

Ramadan Checklist: Get on the Right Track

How could we make use of the Holy Month to transform our whole life, be better individuals, get ...

Ramadan’s last ten days

Ramadan’s Most Special Days: Unmatched Rewards

What is special about Ramadan’s last ten days; why are they that blessed? What do I do in these ...

The goal of fasting is taqwa

Ramadan: Reshape Your Life with the Qur’an

Between Ramadan, the Qur’an and our hearts is a unique relationship. How can we take better adv ...

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do during that night?

Laylat Al-Qadr: Signs and Virtues

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do ...

How to Spend the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

Ramadan is coming to a close, but we still have a chance to make use of it during the last few ...

blessings of Ramadan's first night

Ramadan’s First Night: Open the Gates of Blessings

What virtues does the first night of Ramadan have? At whom will Allah look in that blessed nigh ...


Ramadan Nutrition and Workout Plan for Success

I am frequently asked, "How can I workout and eat properly while fasting?" Most people see the ...

Avoid These Mistakes during Ramadan

Avoid These Mistakes during Ramadan

There are some common mistakes made during Ramadan that could ruin our month of blessings, so d ...


Instagramadan 26: How Exactly Does Ramadan Make Us Grateful?

What lessons of gratitude do Ramadan teach us? How does Ramadan provide us with heart-transfor ...

Last Ten

Instagramadan 24: The Du`aa’ You Need to Make These Last Ten

What is the du`aa’ we need to make these precious last ten days of Ramadan? What is the du`aa’ ...


Instagramadan 21: Focus, Focus, Focus

We've made it to the final ten nights of Ramadan So, how could we focus on getting the best t ...


Instagramadan 20: In God We Trust

In every relationship, one of the main aspects of the health of that relationship is trust. Do ...