The Benefits of Hajj

What Are the Benefits of Hajj?

What Are the Benefits of Hajj? What does it teach about God? How does it affect one's inner sel ...

The Story of Hajj: How Did It Begin? (Part 1)

The origin of Hajj is rooted in the Prophet Ibrahim’s life. That story is very instructive, and ...


By Experiment: Hajj… A Journey towards Tolerance

How much impact does the Hajj experience have on one’s life, outlook, relationships, emotions, ...

Hajj: It Is All About God’s Oneness

“Tawheed” (the Oneness of God) was the message with which all the messengers and prophets were ...

pilgrims return from hajj

Fruits of Hajj (1/3)

A Muslim does not leave to Makkah in order to show more glorification to the Ka`bah, the black ...

Nouman Ali Khan

Nouman Ali Khan: The Impact of Following the Qur’an

Watch this illustrated video by brother Nouman Ali Khan explaining how following the Qur’an imp ...


The Unforgivable Sin in Islam

Allah is All-Merciful and Oft-Forgiving. Indeed, He may forgive all sins except for one. What i ...

How to Build a Lifelong Relationship with the Qur’an

How to Build a Lifelong Relationship with the Qur’an

Prolonged companionship with the Qur’an is one of our most cherished desires, but do we really ...

Pilgrims throw stones at Satan.

Fruits of Hajj (3/3)

In former articles, we touched on a number of the lessons and messages taken from Hajj. We are ...


Fruits of Hajj? (2/3)

Affiliation to Islam means to set your beliefs, aims, relationships, transactions, worship and ...


Offering Sacrifice: Refrain from This

Offering the sacrifice during the `Eid is a divine order from Allah to Muslims. But do you know ...

Best Days of the Year & the Best Deeds in Them

What should we do in the cherished first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? How could we get the utmost b ...


Hajj: Why and How?

The sacred month of Dhul-Hijjah is approaching when the journey of a lifetime takes place. What ...

A Brief Guide to Hajj by EDC

A Brief Guide to Hajj (EDC Video)

Every Muslim intending to undertake this journey should first learn well its rituals and how to ...

Hajj Baggage

What to Pack for Hajj

What should you supposed to pack for the blessed Hajj journey? Here are some of the basics that ...

A Brief Guide to Hajj

A Brief Guide to Hajj (PowerPoint)

In this simple illustrative step-by-step presentation, you will learn about the rituals of Hajj ...


Hajj Rites Made Easy…

Sheikh Ahsan Hanif gives a simplified description of the rites of Hajj, which take place betwee ...

scots_muslims_Glasgow Central Mosque

Finding God: Why More and More Scots are Turning to Islam

The number of Scots- particularly young women- converting to Islam is rising significantly. Why ...


Even Atheists Know God

There’s a kind of indirect proof from our nature, as humans, that we know God. Even those who r ...


Al-Fatihah and the Six Principals of Guidance

What does Surat Al-Fatihah teach about guidance? And how should we seek to practice them throug ...