Qur’anic Supplications

In this series of videos brother Wisam Shrieff explains how to pronounce the supplications ment ...

Hajj in the Qur’an (1-12)

Watch this series of Shows in which Sheikh Ibrahim Zidan explains how the Qur'an details the ri ...

Parents: Treatment & Rights

In this video, Sheikh Yusuf Estes explains how a Muslim should treat his parents. ...

Qur’an Reflections

Join Imam Mohamed Magid, Dr. Jasser Auda, and Guest Scholars every Ramadan evening at 7 PM to l ...

The Third Pillar of Islam: Compulsory Charity (Zakah)

The whole concept of wealth is considered in Islam as a gift from Allah. Allah, who provided we ...


Generosity in Islam

Moral standards are universal, and one of the most important aspects of Islam is adherence to h ...

Hajj: A Universal Message of Unity

Hajj is declared by all experts to be the most diverse gathering in the world. Yet all the peop ...

Status of the Sunnah in Islam

Salem Al-`Amry talks on a very important subject that every muslim needs to know; that is the S ...

Islam Denounces Terrorism

This film, produced by the Science Research Foundation, a Harun Yahya institution, presents the ...

European Scientist converts to Islam

European Scientist converts to Islam ...

Celebrity Converts To Islam

Celebrity Converts To Islam ...

An American actress converts to Islam

An American actress converts to Islam ...

Jewish Girl Converts to Islam in America

Jewish Girl Converts to Islam in America Uploaded by Muslim_Forever. – Family events, bir ...

American Christian Student Converted to Islam by Reading the bible

This is Islam Islam means submission to God. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, wh ...

BBC News British Youth Christians Turning To ISLAM

BBC News British Youth Christians Turning To ISLAM ...

Belief in Scriptures

Belief in Scriptures

A Muslim firmly believes that divinely revealed books were actually revealed by the Compassiona ...

Pre-Requisites & Wudu (Ablution)

My Prayer (3) – Prerequisites & Wudu’

In this training program, the sheikh speaks about the prerequisites of Prayer, mainly the ablut ...

My Prayer (4) – Step-by-Step Guide (1)

In this video, the sheikh moves to explaining the practical performance of Prayer. ...

Part 4 Step by Step Guide Part 2 of 2

My Prayer (5) – Step-by-Step Guide (2)

The sheikh continues to explain in a practical and detailed way how a Muslim should perform the ...