Prayer: Forms and Purpose

Are there types of prayer in Islam? If so, could one be replaced with another? Is prayer the sa ...

Description of the Straight Path

Islam: Guidance to the Straight Path

Why do we plead to Allah to ‘guide us to the straight path’? What is unique about such a prayer ...

Telling People about Their Lord 25th Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Telling People about Their Lord: 25th Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Every speech comes out with a cover from the heart of the speaker. If God allows a speaker to e ...

Closeness to God

Dhikr: Closeness through Worship

How can one get closer to God through specific acts of worship? Is it through obligatory or sup ...

Love of God

Love of God: How and Why?

The love of God is the highest of all things. All Muslims are agreed that the love of God is a ...

Witnessing God’s Bounty and Your Shortcomings: 23rd Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Witnessing God’s Bounty and Your Shortcomings: 23rd Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

If you want the doors of hope opened, recall what He offers you, and if the doors of awe opened ...

Mercy with People’s Faults-Twenty Second Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Mercy with People’s Faults: Twenty Second Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

A person, who learns of people’s secrets and does not have Godly mercy on them, brings upon him ...

Dealing with People’s Praise

Dealing with People’s Praise: Twenty First Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

While journeying to God we will be put to many tests. One of those tests pertains to people's p ...

Certainty of Faith, Indifference about the World- Twentieth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Certainty of Faith, Indifference about the World: Twentieth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

I cannot proceed in my journey to God while forgetting my journey to the Hereafter. One should ...

Distress and Need of God

Distress and Need of Him: Nineteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

The word of wisdom under discussion is about du`aa’ (supplication). It is not about the etiquet ...

Ascending in the Levels of Worship- Eighteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Ascending in the Levels of Worship: Eighteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

People are different. Diversity is a universal law of God. He diversified the acts of worship. ...

Enjoying-God’s Company

Enjoying God’s Company and Praying to Him: Seventeenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

If He takes you away from people, then know that He is opening to you the doors of His Company. ...

Understanding God’s Giving and Deprivation

Understanding God’s Giving and Deprivation: Sixteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

At times, God gives you and at other times He deprives you. God might test you through bad and ...

Thanking God for His Blessings

Thanking God for His Blessings: The Fifteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

One of the universal laws of God which govern the issue of providence with all its kinds is tha ...

Freedom from Humiliation

Freedom from Humiliation, Neediness, and Illusion: The Fourteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

The tree of humiliation stems from a seed of neediness. Nothing deceives you as your illusion. ...

Keeping up with Mentioning God

Keeping up with Mentioning God: The Thirteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

We are still passing though the stage of cleaning up in our journey to God. It’s about a seriou ...

Spiritual Journey to God

Perfecting the Beginnings: The Ninth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

If you master the beginning of any work, there is a guarantee that you get the desired end of t ...

patience with tests

Patience with Tests: The Eighth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

Accepting this nature of worldly life helps the servant acquire a basic virtue and cross a very ...

Qur’an: The Most Important Nourishment for the Heart

Learn how to make the Qur’an your guide, your light and your leader, and your constant companio ...


Practical Steps to Memorize the Qur’an

It is a miracle and blessing from Allah that you’re able to absorb the Qur’an. What do need to ...