Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Allah supported Islam with Hamzah and his conversion. He was strong in defending the Prophet of ...

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & Martyr of Martyrs (Part 1)

There were people among the non-believers who yearned to declare their belief in Muhammad, but ...

`Ammar Ibn Yasir - sunrise

`Ammar Ibn Yasir: A Man of Paradise (Part 1)

`Ammar was enduring the dreadful anguish of the body because his spirit was lofty, but now when ...

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Among the seventy-man delegation of the Ansar who took the oath of allegiance to the Prophet in ...

Ibn `Umar tenderness

`Abdullah ibn `Umar: A Great Man with a Tender Heart (Part 2)

Generosity, asceticism and piety all worked together in complete harmony to shape the most magn ...

Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas: The Lion's Claws!

Sa`d Ibn Abi Waqqas: The Lion’s Claws!

Possessing two weapons, his lance and his prayer. Whenever Sa`d pierced an enemy with his lance ...

`Ammar ibn Yasir A Man of Paradise

`Ammar Ibn Yasir: A Man of Paradise (Part 2)

What do you know about the man whose body bore the scars of the horrible torture and, at the sa ...

reading qur'an

`Abdullah ibn `Umar: The Persistent Repentant to Allah (Part 1)

Of knowledge, modesty, straight conscience and path, piety, persistence in worship, and sincere ...