Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (1)

Innocence of Muslims accuses the Prophet of pedophilia because he married a nine-year old girl. ...

Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (3)

The film accused the Prophet of using religion to serve his purposes when he married Zaynab bin ...

Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (4)

The movie opens with Egyptian Muslims burning the homes of Egyptian Christians while Egyptian s ...

Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (5)

Watch what Karen Armstrong, best-selling British author and founder of the Charter for Compassi ...

Muslim Response to “Innocence of Muslims” (6)

Millions of people wonder why Muslims love the Prophet Muhammad. The answer to this question is ...

Muhammad: The Prophet of Mercy

Please allow me to briefly present to you my book “MUHAMMAD, THE PROPHET OF MERCY” (255 pages), ...

Mohammed: Was he a Messenger from God

Muhammad: The Mercy for All Mankind

Prophet Muhammad was sent a mercy for all mankind. He called people to the worship of the One a ...

The Second Pillar of Islam: Prayer

The Second Pillar of Islam: Prayer

Having specific times each day to be close to Allah helps Muslims remain aware of the importanc ...

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Muhammad: The Seal of Prophets

With an everlasting miracle, the Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad was sent to the whole humanity and fo ...